Tdy woke up 6pm to meet jeff hwee fang and samantha at samantha house below , so tired and slept in th bus ): Few stops later , reached her house and jeffrey tell me they at songxiong food court so met them there. . After that we went below samantha's house to practice , practice till abt 9.30 . Then go plaza singapura to register for our dance , after registration , we go level 7 to practice . Practice for about 4-5hours and go to th stage there to see people practice. We all so nervous -.- we team 4 (: but th bad thing is our music is th shortest ;x , lol then go dance lo bt vry shy >.< Then jeff go home first cuz his cousin wedding . so he went off lo then left me , samantha and hwee fang . Th weather was very warm ): . Later , we went to a place for quizzes . if u answer all th answers , u can get a N-Zone card with $5 value . Then got 1 small girl and boy giv me and samantha answer ;x Thank you. Hahah . Then after get th card we go arcade play but cannot use card only can use token -.- Then we try 8 tokens to get a stuff toy. LOL !! But cannot get dao): p.s. Then very bored cuz play till sian. so go back wait result and see other people dance . Then about 5.30 or so samantha need to go le. So left me and hwee fang . We then wait for th result ourselfs with r5 people , later result come back but we never get qualified fer th finals ;x. . Then hwee fang and th r5 ppl need go so left me alone. .-.- Then call father come fetch me . . Finished posting le bahs . Very tired . P.s. XD
Bye Thnks fer everythin Samantha , Hwee Fang and Jeffrey<333333 Jia You(;
Hi i'm back blogging ,
as promise , i'll post today but it's kinda short. . -.
okayy it started off like this. .
Today juz woke and wash - up , after washin up , i heard people coming in my hse , so i went down & c who it was. . i saw alot guys bringing tools and stuffs to like fix things ,
Thn did a quick wash - up and went down and ask my mum wht was happenin , she tell me she installing CCTV. . LOL!! ): No privacy ;x
& mum juz got her car yesterday and th guy who sell my mum th car , called my father and me and father went to th car-park to meet th guy , he was helpin my mum put th car-mat and stuffs that was needed. . But he put quite fast 10-20minutes onli ,
after done , i went back home those guy finally finished. . But need to try out if th CCTV works .
After testin , need to clear up th hse and place cuz maid tomorrow coming ,
Clear till abt 5plus then go my aunt hse play comp liaox (:
i ytd put my comp at m aunt hse so . . . . . ya
Alright i toldya tday was short post ;x .
Hahah (: Byee
i'm sorry guys for not postin for so long. .
Due to th exam. .
Yesterday just finished (:
Vry happy haha. .
But sadly , nothin to post about today. .
i'll post tomorrow. .
sorry today vry vry short post:(
Bye guys.
Hahah (:
Today i talkin about Friday thing cuz today nothin to talk about;x Nvr talk about thursday cuz i kinda forget wht happened on thursday other than exam ;x. .
Today had Literature & listenin compre-(MTL)
Literature finished it at 45mins or so vry fast. .
After finished looked around see huangyu and jonathan lim sleepin also .. not suprised. . Thn went to sleep. . at about 9am or so woke up and saw huangyu doin. . lol. . Thn went to sleep throughout th whole paper till break time. . Afterthan saw jonathan and asked him wht time he started his paper. . He said 9.20. . WTF. .
He finished his paper within 15-20minutes. . That was
FAST Thn went break then go back class for listenin. . Listenin for about 30-40 minutes. .
After finished listenin send yi ying take cab and went mac with ripley , jw , wh , wq , jeffrey and samantha. . Jw and jeffrey went off first. . so me and wh and wh went in mac with samantha cuz she wanna find sean. . LOL! Saw JL. . So me wh and wq paiseh so went to counter there wait samantha lo. .
Samantha then tell us sean need go back np meetin so sam , sean gf , and 1 more girl dk who went off . . Then me and wq and wh also folo them thought they wanna bring us to somewhere. .
i asked them go where they say they dk. . so me and wh decide go home walk half-way saw yy. . wq go traffic light me and wh and yy go bus stop cuz dk whr samantha they all go liaos . . Thn bus 88 come so we take th bus and went home . . Yy alight at J8 , then wh alight then i last !! ):. .
So went home bathe and my father ask me go market eat myself =( alone. . so sad ); cuz my father got exam !! JiaYou <3333. .
Dk adult do wht exam de . . so dun dare disturb him and went market. . While walking saw my bro. . Walkin home from a soccer trainin. . Haiz Sian . . Market so many people but managed to find a seat. .
Eat finish then went home and study and sleep a little cuz 6.30 got tuition till 8. . ='( really wanna cry lerhx. .
6.30 , went tuition see so many Fkers inside like wanna beat them. . Show off here Show off there. .Fck. . !!
After tuiton went pizza with mum bro and sis. . Durin eating , dad came and saw us and joined us=)
we asked him about his papers and stuffs. .
He today also got 1 paper. . so we went home after eatin cannot go out. . =(
Nbm then go home on TV watch WWE with brothers till 2plus. . Slept at about 3? Today damn tired. . =(
alright thats all. .
Haiz another day of my life is gone!!. .
Bye , miss u guys alot (:
<3333333 ♥♥
Sorry for not postin =X too busy cuz exam lol )': i today posting wednesday thing . . Today hav Geography paper . . Kinda tough. . But managed to overcome th hardness (:
After exam went Tian Tian Wu with Ripley , WenHan , WenQuan & Samantha . . Th food thr was cheap but kinda not nice. . Inside was small and no one was inside so we went in and take a break as well as eatin . .
Samantha & wenquan order set c and some drinks lo. . i nvr eat cuz dun think nice. . =X. .
Samantha put so much vinegar . . LOL! -.-
WenQuan put a little bit only . .
4gt WenHan order set wht ):
Ripley also nvr eat cuz he nt enuf money to eat . .
So i lent him $1 only to let him buy drink. .
Thn was so tired~ Rested on th table and standin up . .
Vry uncomfortable so i woke up and walk here walk thr lo ..
Thn Samantha ask me wan eat mah . . i say dw. . But she keep persuadin me eat. . lol so okay lo. . she
fed me . . lol . 1st time being fed by a girl. . Hmmm . .
After eating , we make jokes about ripley saying if he keep eating he will be 180kg by end of this year =) evrybdy was laughin =) hahas
After all eat finish and makin jokes , we went le. . i took 159 with wenhan , wenquan and samantha . . Cuz i thought 159 got got Serangoon. . Hav but never go to their destination. . lol . . so must pei wenquan and samantha home -.- . . after sendin them home , went home alone ):
Long ride & was sleepin in th bus. .
Ltr went home bathe sleep awhile and then study till 6.30pm and break till 7.30 then 7.30 start studyin lerhs (;
okays th stories ends here . . Bye Take Care. .
JiaYou Guys <3. HAHA.