

My Blog Is 99.9% COPYRIGHTED.
I know you LOVE me
Do not RIP anything off my blog.
If you hate my blog or me then get lost!
Just by clicking the top of your screen{x} or alt +f4 , easiest'Click Here' & SHOO! :D (:
Hit counter would be nice too :D

I am a human, just like you (: .
I can walk, talk, move, dance, eat etc etc.
I absolutely love the Rainbow & My Loved Ones :3

His name is ♥CHIAMINHAN!(: , God brought him down on 4/7/1995. He is now a age of 14 going 15:D . msn : anyhowz_maple@hotmail.com feel free to add. (:


Don't Leave Yet ! Leave Your Name ! :D

ShoutMix chat widget
Maximum width is 200
I use shoutmix :D

Come Again (:

DJ Rock It!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Designer: /Unknown♥
Icon: ego-box
cursor: Dorischu

Saturday, July 24, 2010 & FLU!
Sien school.
Saturday, July 3, 2010 & 1 year older.
From SamanthaSeah!! Thankyou. :D

Thanks, Samantha'Ds'Toopid, KahHui'HairDresser'Crab, JingWei'Brother, WenQuan'NONOx3 wannabee&&WenHan'Maoge for celebrating my birthday for me.

Ds came my house at around 12++ ? Passed cake that she made for me. : ) Thanks.
Took 88 meet the rest and cab to east coast.
Fell down 2 times ==
Went speech day from 6+ to 9+
Parents fetched me home. : )
Kahhui, Thanks for the KeyChain. Loveit. But don't really look like me. ><>
Toopid, Thanks for the cake, wallet. Loveit too. : ) Awaiting the picture. :D